Reimbursement Form
MPTO Payment/Reimbursement Process
To establish proper documentation for audit trails and to minimize duplicate payment errors, Directors, Chairs (and anyone seeking reimbursement) need to follow this procedure for payment and reimbursement requests:
Committee Chairs and Community Members: Submit payment and reimbursement requests to Board Directors (or Committee Chairs) for approval. Attach actual receipts. Indicate preference for distribution on the request (i.e. in person, mail).
- Board Directors: Please indicate approval by signing on the actual invoices and the printed Reimbursement Request Form. Reimbursement and payment requests should NOT be submitted via email.
- Board Directors (& 5K/WATSA Treasurer): Leave signed invoices and requests in the “Reimbursement” folder in the MPTO box inside the Office.
Treasurer(s) will collect all payment requests and checks will be ready for distribution in about week under usual circumstances. They will contact you regarding picking up checks when ready (unless they are mailed).