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MPTO Privacy Policy

MonteBook Privacy Policy

MonteBook is Montclaire Elementary's school directory app. Its purpose is to strengthen our community by making it easier for families and staff to reach one another. The app was developed by a Montclaire parent and is operated by parents volunteering for the MPTO.

Families give their consent to be included in the directory at Back-to-School Night. Being included in the directory for a given year (an edition) means that you can see the information other families have shared, and they can see yours. To be included, you must share, at a minimum, the names of parents and students in your family and the students' classroom assignments.

Only people in an edition may see the data in that edition. (Family data is your family’s names, your childrens' grade and classroom, and if you wish to include it, your mobile numbers, email addresses, and home phone and address.) Users must prove their inclusion in an edition by responding to a text message sent to their cell phone number listed in that edition. Therefore, at least one parent in each family must include a cell phone number. You may choose to have your cell phone hidden from or visible to other families in the directory.

MonteBook uses “Firebase," Google's application service, to store and transport data between devices. Firebase employs standard security practices.

MonteBook will retain your data for as long as the application is available. If you request it, we will remove your data from any or all editions of the directory.

No one else has access to your data. We don't share your data with any third party for any purpose.